2020 Graduation, Honors, and Awards

On April 24, 2020, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry held its annual awards ceremony to celebrate the hard work of all its students. Once more, the Becker lab was very well-represented:

Xhulio Arolli:  ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry

Elliot Gild:  ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry

Xhulio Arolli: Biochemistry Major Fr. Morrissey Medal

Emma Simmons: Fr. Morrissey Medals for Sophomore Chemistry Major

Elliot Gild: Merck Index Award

Katherine Katie Jane Torma: Louis Glunz Family-Regis Scholarship and internship

Janielle Javier: Cassaretto Scholarship for Sophomore Chemistry Major

Departmental Honors

Elliot Gild – Gold

Xhulio Arolli – Gold